Why Do Gardening? 17 Reasons Why You Should Do Gardening

Only plant lovers can understand the importance of gardening. Gardening plays a crucial role in maintaining the ecosystem as well as protecting the environment. Just as plants provide food for animals, humans also benefit from plants in a variety of ways in addition to food. The following can be mentioned as the importance of the garden:

Gardening is a great excercise

1. Great Exercise

There is enough work in the body for various activities in the garden such as sowing seeds, watering the trees, clearing the soil, harvesting, weeding etc., which acts as an alternative to physical exercise.
People get so engrossed in gardening that they don't even realise when they start sweating. It burns unwanted calories and builds new muscles in the body. Through this exercise, strength, sincerity and flexibility are increased in the human body.

2. Improve Mental Health

One of the significant benefits of gardening is that it provides emotional relief. When you wake up in the morning and see the green ceremony in front of your eyes, everyone is bound to have positivity and joy in their minds. Different types of flowers, fruits, birds, butterflies in the garden can help you get rid of bad moods.
A 2011 study looked at several patients with depression. They were engaged in gardening. After a few days, various aspects of the mental state of those patients were measured, and it was found that they were slightly better mentally than before. This improvement remained even after the completion of gardening.

Tomato garden

3. Get essential Vitamin D

Vitamin D is considered a vital nutrient for the human body. The best source of vitamin D is sunlight. The more sunlight a person receives, the more vitamin D they will get and the greater their immunity.
According to experts, half an hour in the sun can produce eight thousand to fifty thousand international units (IU) of vitamin D in the human body. It depends on the person's clothes and skin colour.So a gardener spends most of the day in gardening activities. As a result, they are exposed to more sunlight and more vitamin D.

4. Increase Self-esteem

There is hardly any pleasure in seeing a plant survive in the garden and grow into a flower. A variety of fun activities associated with gardening can evoke a good feeling in the heart. This is considered as another advantage of the garden. Sowing, cultivating, planting; all increase people's self-confidence and stimulate positive thinking in mind.

Gardening could reduce the risk of dementia in the future

5. Reduce the Possibility of Dementia

A study of 16 to 60 year-olds found that caring for gardens could reduce the risk of dementia in the future. This means that the garden has the potential to reduce the possibility of dementia.
After reviewing a 2014 study, analysts concluded that horticultural therapy could be an effective treatment for improving mental health and for people with dementia.

6. Good for Heart

Gardening activities like digging, weeding, and planting strengthen the heart muscle. This type of physical activity helps maintain a proper heart rate and improve the body's cardiovascular health.

Growing potato. Gardening is a way of growing food on your own.

7. Source of Food

One of the advantages of gardening is that people can cultivate the necessary vegetables and fruits they want. There are several vegetables that can be grown with minimal efforts, such as coriander, gourd, pumpkin, tomato, bean, etc.
It is also possible to cultivate different fruits according to the season. At present, people have started cultivating mushrooms in the garden. As much as it saves money, people can also use it as a profession.

8. Save Money

Gardening does not require much investment. Many plants can be grown from seeds that are available at low prices. If people are able to grow the essential fruits and vegetables of their daily life in their own gardens, then, of course, they will be able to save by cultivating the material according to their needs.

Uplift your mood by Gardening.

9. Get Rid of Loneliness

Gardening can be a good option as a way to relieve fatigue. Every day the advent of flowers and fruit in the garden can alleviate the loneliness of the people. That is one of the reasons why after retirement, most people are engaged in gardening, which serves as the logistics for their loneliness. It can be considered one of the best practices for the relaxation of the mind.
Gardens within the community can allow people to communicate with others with the same interest. It supports the improvement of people's quality of life. It also helps stimulate social interaction, encourages self-reliance, beautifies the surroundings, reduces food budgets, produces nutritious food, and teaches new farming techniques.

10. Strengthen Arm

The role of gardening in increasing the strength of hand muscles and fingers is undeniable. Sowing seeds, planting seedlings, clearing weeds, clearing the soil all involve the movement of hand muscles and fingers.

Gardening helps in pollination

11. Helps Pollinators

Gardening around the house or on the roof helps to provide a beautiful ecosystem and pollution-free weather. The various insects, insects, spiders, butterflies and birds that come to the garden can provide food for them and create a beautiful scenario. It also increases the chances of pollination, leading to higher yields.

12. A Great Investment

The financial value of a home with a garden is always higher. However, decorating a house with a beautiful garden can be considered a good investment for the future. A charmingly designed backyard or lawn can add “curb-appeal” to the home, increasing the overall home value.

Gardening is also good for children.

13. Maintain Adequate Sleep

Studies have shown that working out in the garden can help offset both the source of childhood obesity and the causes of age-related weight gain.
University of Pennsylvania researchers have reported that gardeners are able to get 7 hours of sleep a night.

14. Green Planet, Green Environment

Since forests are a hindrance to the growth and development of human civilisation, gardens are considered an essential method for filtering water or separating it from carbon plants.
A recent study by the Smithsonian Institution reflected the necessity of plants and local gardens to hold down the health of insects, animals, birds in particular.

Tomato sharing

15. It Can Relieve Stress

Some researchers conducted a study to see how caring for gardens can reduce stress. The survey was conducted in 2011 to select individuals who were living under very stressful circumstances. Then in two parts, one group is asked to study, and the other group is asked to do gardening. When the stress hormone cortisol was tested a few days later, it appeared from the bodies of the patients that those who had taken care of the gardens had improved more than those in the stress study group. They also reported that the positive attitude among them has returned, which is more than the readers.

16. Get Rid of Addiction

Horticulture therapy is considered an antidote for many diseases. One such way is to take care of the garden as a way to get rid of alcoholism. One study found that drug addicts gained emotional strength from gardening.
Some of the patients involved in a drug rehabilitation centre program were asked to practice gardening and art. As a result, those who chose gardening could successfully complete the program with satisfaction.

17. Build Empowerment

An eco-feminist study entitled "Sisters of the Soil: Urban Gardening as Resistance in Detroit", Monica White, a researcher there, described the eight black women's activities who have chosen gardening in opposing perpetuated inequality in the social structure as access to food. They could create living, outdoor, healing spaces and learn for themselves and community members. As they cultivated forlorn lands and crops in barren food deserts, these horticulturists were simultaneously able to improve their health, being able to fight against unkind corporate food providers, as well as increase the mood of self-determination.
If someone is looking for a way to counteract the inequalities in the food system or any wrongdoing in their own life then start with this powerful work that points to growing my own efforts.

Gardening is one of the best excercises.

Every human being should practice gardening once in a lifetime. Everyone needs to know how happy it is to bloom from a bud. Just like raising a child! However, a review of the above importance of gardening shows that it is a perfect way to keep yourself well. Gardening gives everyone a better feeling, fascination, spontaneity, and positivity, whether teenager or adult, patient or healthy person. After all, there is no substitute for gardening in reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the air and increasing the supply of oxygen, and there can be no more ideal than planting trees. So much less can be said about the need for gardening.

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